Thursday, January 26, 2006

I was having contractions again today and was feeling crampy and my back was hurting. I called the doctor and they told me that I needed to be seen. When I went in, they checked me and i was dilated 1-2 cm and 50% effaced. The doctor sent me over to the hospital to be monitored and I was having contractions about every 5 minutes or so. They felt different than the BH contractions. They told me they were the real thing and gave me two shots of terbutaline to stop them. They also said I was a little dehydrated and gave me an IV to give me some fluids. The contractions stopped and they checked me again and I was dilated to a solid 2. So they sent me home. But now, the terbutaline is wearing off and I'm feeling the contractions again. It can't be because I'm dehydrated because they just gave me the IV and I had 3 huge glasses of water at the hospital and 2 since I've been home.

I'm going to take a warm bath and start timimg the contractions again.

1 comment:

jkhenson said...

Keep us posted!!